Psalm 106:1

Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Feeling SOME better:)

Last night wasn't as rough as I had imagined. Macie didn't want to go to sleep until around 9:00 so we made an exception (her bed time is usually 7:30ish) and let her stay up since she was sick to avoid a crying baby breakdown . NEVER FUN, especially when they are sick! So we picked out battle:) She finally went to sleep pretty easy around 9:00 and slept for a good hour and a half. Of course mommy didn't. I find it bizarre, when I am the MOST tired, I can't for the life of me fall asleep...probably because I was on a blow up mattress in Macie's floor:) Around 11, she was VERY restless and crying in her sleep. We got her up and gave her some more meds (praise the Lord for Motrin and Deslym!!) and watched a little t.v and then went back to sleep. At this point I was almost delirious from lack of sleep ( I don't do well when I am tired), so my sweet hubby volunteered to take over on the "blow-up" for a few hours!:) Finally, some sleep from about 1-4 a.m! Since it was time for hubby to get ready for work, it was back to the mattress:) So far, today has been better. No appetite, very clingy, coughing and congestion, but she did want to go outside. So, I let her play in the backyard for a few minutes while I was watering flowers. The smile and joy it brings to a mommy's heart to see her sick baby smile for the first time in 48 hours:)!!


erin said...

Aww, poor Macie! And poor Mommy, too. :) I'm glad she's feeling some better today. She looks adorable in those pictures!

Heather said...

Sweet little Macie - I hope she's feeling better soon & very soon!